Busy busy busy
Hello all,
I apologize for not updating the blog this week. Been really busy with work and BeadCharm. We've just received some new stock of sliders and findings with swarovski beads and i've been busy taking photos and putting them up on our store. They are all finally up and you can view them here :
To keep you updated on CraftMemo, CraftMemo currently has 464 accounts and manages 1404 items. I am wondering if anybody have noticed the system slowing down? There was also some problems with paging which is now fixed. Thank you to the ladies who brought it to my attention.
I've also been kept really occupied developing my new project. I've finally come up with a name after almost an hour searching for a domain name that is nice and available. I've decided to call it DesignsToLove.com. Here is a sneak peak of the cute funky shy logo for the site :

The site will be a place where craft enthuist can easily setup their own personal online gallery without bothering about coding, configuring, designing, domain names, finding hosting etc. It will also be a place where people can share their designs, comment on other peoples design, find inspiration, talk, chat etc.
Hopefully i will have it ready by this week. It is currently 50% ready. If you are interested in helping / contributing to this project, you can contact me at support@craftmemo.com
Back to work tommorow :(