Saturday, July 15, 2006

New Features Added

The following features were added today :

Date Acquired for Items
There is now a date acquired field where you can specify when you purchased an item. You can also sort your inventory by Date Acquired. All items added before this will have it's date acquired set to the date it was added.

Search Items by Notes
You can now search for items by item notes. You can match partial words to match item(s). For example if you have an item with Notes "this item goes well with Sea Shells". Searching for "Sea Shells" will match the item.

Fraction for stock & project component quantity
You can now enter fraction values for stock & project component quantity. For example if you use only half of an item for your project, you can enter it's quantity as 0.5 or if you only have half in stock, you can enter it as 0.5 stock.

Deduct from components button
You can now deduct all components used for a project from your inventory by clicking on a projects "Deduct Components from Inventory" link. This link can be found when your view a project.

Total Value of Items Listed in Inventory
The inventory now displays the total value of items listed when you list items. This would be useful if you wish to see how much you have spend based on a specific supplier or category.

That is all for today. Feel free to leave comments on what you think of the new features. Also if you run into any errors, please let me know as this features have not been tested thoroughly