Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Couple of little changes

Hello all!

My apologies to those who received an old CraftMemo newsletter today. I was doing so much things at once that i accidentally clicked on the email newsletter button which was set to send last weeks email. I only realised after a few minutes and quickly shut it down. It might have sent the old newsletter to the first 200 subscribers. Sorry...

OK a few changes today.

Stock Updating directly from Inventory Page
You can now update your stock directly from your inventory. It seems that craft people are fairly lazy and clicking on edit and updating the stock from there is a little too much work. I am one of those fairly lazy craft people :)

Firefox Support
CraftMemo now supports Firefox!! I personally use Internet Explorer most of the time because work requires me to but i do admire what Firefox does and i know there are many CraftMemo firefox supporters out there. Go Firefox go!

3 New Colours
I finally gave in, after receiving numerous request to add silver and gold to the colour list. *Waves white flag. Also there is now an undefine colour for those craft items with erm..undefinable colours

Image Cropping
All uploaded images are now automatically crop. Meaning no more ugly white spaces in your thumbnails. Wohoo!

Auto Login
CraftMemo now remembers you. You no longer have to keep entering your email and password everytime you want to access CraftMemo. To enable this feature, check the 'remember me' checkbox when you login. To make CraftMemo forget you, click logout. CraftMemo will only retain memory of you for up to 7 days.

Thats all for today. Have fun craftmemoing!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

New to do list & Shopping Cart Sharing

Hello everybody,

Received heaps of very useful feedbacks and encouraging comments this week. Also CraftMemo was featured on a couple of well known websites which was pretty cool. Thank you to all who took the time to write in and spread the word!

This week i will be adding the following features to CraftMemo:

Button to automatically update stock from shopping list.
New colours (Colourless, Gold & Silver).

Also i am thinking of adding the option to share your shopping cart. What i have in mind is you can share your shopping list and the person who wants to view it would need a password to view it. Let me know if you have any ideas on how to best implement this. It will take a considerable amount of time and effort so i will probarly only implement it if there is a demand for it.

If you have any suggestions or ideas feel free to post them under the comments section and help keep me busy :)

My new project (DesignsToLove) is almost ready. If you are interested in testing it out, send me an email

CraftMemo is currently managing 868 Accounts and 2707 Items!